The integration process and the limits of the Constellation

As with any inner work, each layer treated will require a period of integration that will be more or less comfortable. If there is discomfort, it is generally normal, because it indicates an update of our system . Once the work is integrated, it will be possible to take a more neutral or revalued look at the situation that has been treated. 

Typically a period of 21 days is required

to feel the changes of a work done in Constellation

In the case of a multiple repair process, the Constellation may bring out a more persistent emotional discomfort , this will then be the sign that the next layer will have to be taken care of. No need to panic, it is not a failure, it is just important to remain observant of what comes to the surface on an emotional level to better target and continue the work started. 

Although often a single Constellation session is enough, I have noticed that depending on the nature of the subject, it may be necessary to work on different aspects (2-4 sessions) to stop the initial situation because the interferences from it can branch out into other aspects of life that are not immediately perceptible.  

I think that we should not hesitate to combine Constellation with other therapies because although it is a powerful tool, it can be an experience that is as trying as it is liberating but also too intense for some. It is important to follow one's feelings and one's need for progress, "with whom", "how" and "where". Wonderful therapists offer alternative support to take care of our different aspects gently.

Any questions ?

You can contact me directly on
078 929 44 93